Elite Cake Co. has been in the making for years.
Owner and baker, Jo Brigden-Jones has been creating desserts in her home kitchen for many years. Self taught, and cooking to fuel her sweet tooth and cravings, Jo developed as passion for baking and creating cakes to share with her friends and family. At a young age she started making packet cake mixes and it has evolved to her creating her own recipes she wants to share with the world.

Jo, who?
Jo Brigden-Jones was born and bred on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. A sporty kid, Jo got involved with kayaking in 2001 and has had a very successful and long career in the sport. Jo has represented Australia every year since 2004, making it 18 years of National representation. Jo competed at the London 2012 Olympic Games and the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 2021.
Jo is heavily involved in her community having been an Australia Day Ambassador since 2016, does numerous motivational talks to schools, corporate and community groups and works as a Paramedic.
To learn more about Jo, follow this link to her personal website.

help fund an Olympic dream
Jo will be using all proceeds from the sale of her products to help support her towards the Tokyo Olympics. Having already been selected to the Australian Olympic Team for the Tokyo Games, the focus now is all about stepping onto the Olympic podium. Jo has made many sacrifices over her long career to achieve her goals and dreams. Over the next 10 months more sacrifices are required, including a relocation from Sydney to the Gold Coast to train with her teammates, a reduction of paramedic work therefore a reduction in the ability to earn a sustainable income. Jo created this business to help fund the living expenses to support her training, competition and travel requirements for the Tokyo Olympics.
Spread the love and buy her products to help fund an Olympic dream!